Leaving a Trace
Action-research with Roma and non-Roma young people between history, memory and present
This book seeks to reflect theoretically and empirically on the process and results of the European project TRACER (Transformative Roma Art and Culture for European Remembrance), financed by CERV (Citizen, Equality, Rights and Value) Eu programme. The main protagonists have been young people, mainly Roma and Sinti, living in different places and countries of Europe, with their own history that anchors them to different communities, but joined by belonging to discriminated minorities and to a transnational people who recognise themselves as a community characterised by diaspora. The project's goal has combined historical knowledge of the genocide that occurred during World War II with an analysis of the construction of prejudice and the role that racism has had on the collective consciousness of a modern society. The methodology used is participatory action-research in public history educational context, a process able to make the protagonists aware of a path of knowledge, promoting training actions towards other people and leaving traces of memory in the present through artistic events.
The volume presents the theoretical foundations and practical activities that refer to the public history as a tool for inclusion, participation and social recognition of European communities representing minorities in their countries: a multidisciplinary and participatory action-research aimed at building active citizenship in formal and informal educational contexts.


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