Design Philology Essays. Issue Zero
Design at Politecnico di Milano: The Beginning of a Story
In October 1993, the first Bachelor’s Degree Program in Industrial Design in Italy was inaugurated at Politecnico di Milano.
Since then, a thirty-year journey has marked the growth of this discipline across numerous universities in Italy and the recognition of design as a fundamental feature of Italian culture.
This volume – Issue Zero – launches a publishing initiative that, grounded in a reflection on the historical memory and cultural roots of Politecnico di Milano’s Design System, aims to sustain the distinctive forward-looking spirit of Polytechnic design culture. Its goal is to place design at the service of today’s cultural, social, technological, and environmental challenges.
Eleven essays here offer a dual perspective. The first section explores the opportunities offered by digital humanities to elevate a history along with its traces and testimonies, while also bringing forth diverse viewpoints and dialectical contributions, all realized within Design Philology research project, inaugurated in 2023. Design Philology is simultaneously a digital archive, an editorial platform, and a medium for temporary exhibitions and hypertextual narratives; based on a sophisticated digital infrastructure and a philological approach, it delves into the narrative potential of digital media. The second section provides an initial collection of pluralistic perspectives on the history that led to the establishment of a true Design System at Politecnico di Milano, marked by the creation of the Faculty of Design (2000), now School of Design, a dedicated Department (2001), and the Consortium (1999), integrating teaching, research, continuing education, and innovation.
Why Design Philology? Re-reading the past to understand the present and imagine the future
Perché Design Philology? Rileggere il passato per comprendere il presente e immaginare il futuro
1. Memory of the future. Archiving, representing, narrating and understanding
1. La memoria del futuro. Archiviare, rappresentare, raccontare e conoscere
2. Memories and documents: a digital archive for a history under construction
2. Memorie e documenti: archivi digitali per una storia in costruzione
3. Communication project. Expressing the evolution of a Design institution
3. Progetto di comunicazione. Esprimere l’evoluzione di un’istituzione del Design
4. From archives to narratives: a digital platform for the representation of design heritage
4. Dagli archivi alle narrazioni: una piattaforma digitale per la rappresentazione del patrimonio del design
5. Interactive Phygital Displays. Physical resounds and digital explorations to empower a historical archive of design culture
5. Interactive Phygital Displays. Risonanze fisiche ed esplorazioni digitali per creare un archivio storico della cultura del design
6. Design Convivio: polytechnic dialogues, between meta-design and research
6. Design Convivio: dialoghi politecnici, tra metaprogetto e ricerca
7. The first supper of the School of Design. The theatricality of the set up between sound design and interactive dimension
7. La prima cena della Scuola del Design. La teatralità dell’allestimento tra sound design e dimensione interattiva
8. Circumstances. From the inception to the establishment of the Design System at Politecnico di Milano
8. Circostanze. Dagli esordi alla nascita del Sistema Design al Politecnico di Milano
9. Research Trajectories
9. Traiettorie di Ricerca
10. Designing Designers
10. Designing Designers
11. Beyond the borders. Connections of the Design System beyond its borders as an agent of social and cultural innovation
11. Oltre i Confini. Connessioni del Sistema Design oltre i propri confini come agente d’innovazione sociale e culturale


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