Effective Judicial Protection and Cross-Border Financial Disputes in Europe

A Complex Status Quo


Marco Lamandini (ed)
David Ramos Muñoz (ed)


This volume provides an in-depth analysis of cross-border financial disputes within the European Union, exploring conflict, coordination, and competition among various legal systems.
Featuring contributions from experts, the book examines how banking disputes, climate change litigation, and derivative disputes intersect with European, international, and domestic regulations.
The book highlights the inconsistencies in court-based outcomes before national courts and effective judicial protection, addressing issues such as the liability of collective investment asset managers and the conflicts between public order and private ordering in derivative contracts.
It also delves into the emergence of specialized tribunals and the visible trends in judicial protection for financial disputes.


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Author Biographies

Marco Lamandini

He is Full Professor of Law at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. Vice Chair of the Academic Board EBI and Member of the Academic Board of ECMI/CEPS. Former (the second) Chair of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Financial Supervisory Authorities. Member of the SRB Appeal Panel. He has recently co-authored, with David Ramos Muñoz, Finance, Law and the Courts (OUP, 2023) and co-edited, with Bart Joosen and Tobias Troeger, Capital and Liquidity Requirements for European Banks (OUP, 2022).

David Ramos Muñoz

He is Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and a regular collaborator at the University of Bologna. He has recently co-authored, with Marco Lamandini Finance, Law and the Courts (OUP, 2023), and co-edited with Agnieszka Smolenska Green Bonds. A European Perspective. A fellow member ad personam of the European Banking Institute (EBI), European Law Institute (ELI) and the International Law Association (ILA), a member of the SRB Appeal Panel, Alternate Member of the ESAs Joint Board of Appeal and expert for IMF and European Parliament.


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febbraio 3, 2025

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
