Corporate Social Responsibility. Theoretical analysis and practical implications


Stefano Garzella


Pubblicato con licenza Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) nella collana Economia - Ricerche

In the current economic context, Corporate Social Responsibility is an increasingly relevant topic that has swept away the traditional views about firms’ competitiveness, survival and profitability. The rise of sustainability driven pressures and opportunities makes particularly interesting the interplay among management, sustainability and social impacts for scholars, public authorities, policy makers and practitioners. In line with these considerations, this book aims to investigate the opportunities, the criticalities and the future perspectives in the CSR studies for increasing firm performance and growth.
The contributions in this volume sketch a picture of the current state of CSR research including the evolution of sustainable regulation and its impact on firms’ operations, organizational models and disclosure. The included papers emphasize the role of sustainability as a “new strategic variable” for contributing to strengthen the competitive positioning of firms and to increase their value creation process. The integration of socio-environmental variables into the overall strategic processes can drive firm to increase opportunities for developing new resources and capabilities and to improve competitive advantage.
By examining issues ranging from theory in CSR to practical application of practices and tools, the book contributes to the field of corporate social responsibility, accounting and strategic management studies and suggest implications for practitioners to support an evolution of sustainable business practices considering simultaneously the accountability to a wide range of firm’s internal and external actors.


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Author Biography

Stefano Garzella

He is a Full Professor of Strategic Management at the University Parthenope. He is also Visiting Professor at the University of Pisa. He received his PhD in Business Administration from the University of Pisa in 1998. He is a member of SIDREA (Italian Association of Professors in Accounting and Management), AIDEA (Italian Academy of Management). He has published research articles in several peer-reviewed national and international Journals. His research focuses on strategic management, M&As and valuation approaches.


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luglio 8, 2020

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
