Newcomers as Agents for Social Change: Learning from the Italian Experience

A Recourse Book for Social Work and Social Work Education in the Field of Migration


Hannah Reich (ed)
Roberta T. Di Rosa (ed)


This publication is a resource book for Social Workers engaging in the field of migration. It aims to, on the one hand, display facts about the living realities on the ground migrants and Social Workers active in the field are facing, circumstances presented by experienced practitioners and researchers of this field. On the other hand, it presents methods and approaches, extracting them from these experiences and reflections insights, relevant for Social Work and consequently, also significant for Social Work educational practice. The new challenges of the 21st century ask Social Work education for a change, adapting curricula towards more experienced based teaching practices, intercultural, participatory learning sites and exchange, and future oriented personal empowerment and resilience training. International Social Work could take on a transformational leading role, as our global security and well-being of tomorrow depends on the educational foundations laid down today.


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Author Biographies

Hannah Reich

PhD, holds a professorship on artistic and movement-oriented methods in Social Work, with focus on interactive theatre, mindfulness and conflict transformation in the Faculty of Applied Social Science at the University of Applied Science Würzburg (FHWS), Würzburg, Germany. Her expertise lies in participatory, experienced based, empowering methods for individuals and for social transformation in intercultural contexts. She is head of the project “International Social Work Acting in Crisis – attitude matters (AttiMa)” which is implemented in a collaboration with Jordan and Lebanon and aims at fostering the resilience of social workers to act in integrity and constructively in crises situations.

Roberta T. Di Rosa

PhD, is a social worker and a sociologist. She is Associate professor of Sociology of Migration and International Social Work, coordinator of Master and Degree in Social Work, Department Culture e Società, University of Palermo, Italy, member of Council of Professors in the PHD course in “Estudios Migratorios”, University of Granada and in the PHD course in “Dinamica dei sistemi”, University of Palermo. She is currently engaged in national and international research programs on intercultural competences, international social work, community mediation for migrants’ integration and on protection of vulnerabilities in reception practices.


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dicembre 27, 2021

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
