Anti-Corruption Models and Experiences

The Case of the Western Balkans


Enrico Carloni (ed)
Diletta Paoletti (ed)


The challenge of fighting corruption is strategic at a global and European level, and the inadequacy of the repressive and penal response alone has now been evidenced: corruption must not only be fought, but understood, and preventive administrative measures must be taken. Anti-corruption is not an issue that concerns only the judiciary branch, the legal system, and police authorities, but it is, above all, a challenge for society and institutions as a whole. And it is a challenge to be transformed, in particular, into a change in administrations and institutions, in their way of organizing and operating. This volume the result of the Project “Administrative Prevention through Targeted Anti-corruption MODels for candidate countries” – APTAMOD, co-funded by the European Union’s HERCULE III programme, which has conducted comparative law studies and high-profile research activities in the field of administrative prevention of corruption, with specific focus on Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Contributors: G. Barbieri, E. Carloni, S. Del Sarto, M. Falcone, M. Gnaldi, F. Mannella, R. Marchetti, M. Mazzoni, F. Merenda, R. Mincigrucci, M.G. Pacilli, D. Paoletti, G. Pettinari, A. Pioggia, B. Ponti, F. Raspadori, G. Sirianni, A. Stanziano.


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Author Biographies

Enrico Carloni

Is Full Professor of Administrative Law and director of the Study Center for Legality and Participation (LEPA) of University of Perugia, and principal investigator of the Apta-Mod project. He is the editor of: Fighting Corruption through Administrative Measures (2019, with D. Paoletti); Understanding and Fighting corruption in Europe (2021, with M. Gnaldi), as well as author of books on: corruption and anti-corruption, lobby regulation, public transparency. He was appointed as an expert of the Council of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority.

Diletta Paoletti

Is Research fellow at the University of Perugia. Having graduated with honors in Political Science and International Relations, she is involved in research projects on European Union law and administrative law and a consultant on European grants. She is author of contributions on European policies and the communication of EU funds. She manages the Master’s degree in “EU Project Design and Management for culture, creativity and multimedia” (University of Perugia).


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giugno 6, 2022

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ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


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ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
