Time-Based Design Paradigms


Anna Barbara (ed)
Silvia Maria Gramegna (ed)


The book Time-Based Design Paradigms, from the LEM_ Design International series, explores the relationship between time and the design of spaces. The ongoing digital revolution and the recent pandemic have shown that the temporal dimension of spaces is a horizon that has yet to be strongly explored. In the future it is increasingly likely that it will be the forms of time, rather than those of space, that will undergo the most interesting innovations and transformations. Within the LEM (Landscapes, Environments and Mobility) section of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano, a group of professors and researchers, together with some international colleagues, have tried to investigate which forms of time will increasingly impact spaces: those of memory, of the everyday, of the extraordinary, of the future, of terrestrial and astronomical spaces, etc. The essays explore time: as measurements, adaptations/compositions, memories, machines and technologies, identities, narratives, sensitivities in an increasingly globalized and wrapped world.


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Author Biographies

Anna Barbara

Associate Professor in Interior and Spatial Design at Politecnico di Milano. She has been visiting professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing (China); Kookmin University, Seoul (South Korea); Hosei University, Tokyo (Japan) and many others. She designed professional projects in China, Japan, USA, Europe, UK and UAE, as founder of Senselab, most of them awarded and selected by international juries. Some of her researches and products have been selected by ADI-Index 2019, Italian Design Ambassador 2020, 2021; awarded Eccellenze della Lombardia. She exhibited her works at Biennale di Venezia 2010, 2011, 2021; Triennale di Milano 2018. The relationships between senses, time, spaces and design are developed in education, conferences, publications and professional works. She is the author of Storie di Architettura attraverso i sensi (Stories of architecture through the senses, Bruno Mondadori, 2000), Invisible Architectures. Experiencing places throught the senses of smell (Skira, 2006), Sensi, tempo e architettura (Senses, time and architecture, Postmedia Books, 2012), Sensefulness, new paradigms for Spatial Design (Postmedia Books, 2019), and the book Extended Store. How digitalization effects the retail space design, written in collaboration with the author Yuemei Ma (FrancoAngeli, 2021), as well as many other international publications.

Silvia Maria Gramegna

Designer and PhD, member of Lab.I.R.Int. – Lab. of Innovation and Research on Interiors – she is a PostDoc Researcher and an Adjunct Professor at the Design School and Department of Politecnico di Milano. Her research work addresses issues that explore the strong anthropological value of Design. In particular, her covered research topics encompass the development of therapeutic environments and the enhancement of sensoriality and perceived quality of places (interiors and urban areas), through an inclusive approach, which focuses on the evolution of the concept of Inclusive Design, into Design for Diversities - experienced in the field of ageing society. She is Visiting Professor in KTU Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania, and has been the recipient of ADI Design Index and Menzione d’Onore in Premio Compasso d’Oro in 2020.


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luglio 7, 2022

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
