Inclusive Science Education and Robotics
Studies and Experiences
This book brings together contributions proposing studies and experiences which investigate the relationship between inclusive education and educational robotics, with particular reference to children and people with disabilities, with special educational needs or at risk of school dropping out. All these contributions were presented during the National Conference IBR21 - Interazione Bambini-Robot, held on 13 and 14 April 2021, in the second session dedicated to robotics and communities in condition of vulnerability.
Robotics is increasingly being used for different age groups and within different school levels, for educational, didactic, therapeutic and entertainment purposes. In both formal and non-formal learning contexts, robotic construction and programming activities aimed at refi ning cognitive and social skills are increasingly carried out. Robots are now part of the so called “edutainment” world and the opportunities for children to come into contact and interact with robotic devices are multiplying.
Considering these issues, the book fi ts into the framework of the SwafS Horizon 2020 Project “Communities for Sciences (C4S) - Towards promoting an inclusive approach in Science Education”, which sponsored the Conference IBR21.


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