Teaching a musical instrument to pupils with special educational needs

Inclusion in the Italian school model


Amalia Lavinia Rizzo (ed)


In Italy, the presence of music-oriented secondary schools (SMIM) represents a valuable opportunity to enhance the use of music in order to raise the level of inclusiveness of each institution. Music fits positively into the dialectic between education and inclusion as it is a significant developmental experience that enhances the participation and learning of pupils with all types of special educational needs and makes the entire community more welcoming. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that musical activity promotes the integral development of the person even in the presence of severe disabilities and acts as a true “neuroprotector” of language, improving working memory, attention, well-being and self-esteem. Within this framework, the volume presents the results of research funded by the Department of Educational Sciences of Roma Tre University and carried out in collaboration with the National Committee for the Practical Learning of Music for All Students of the Education Ministry. Using an integrated methodology, for the first time in Italy researchers have investigated the level of inclusiveness of SMIMs and, starting from the identification of the problematic nodes, elaborated a series of didactic-assessment proposals for improvement which have been shared with schools and are described in this volume. Some attachments are available for downloading and printing on the volume's web page, which can be accessed from the website https://series.francoangeli.it/index.php/oa.


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Author Biography

Amalia Lavinia Rizzo

She is Associate professor in Didactics and Special Education and contact person for students with disabilities and specific learning disorders at the Department of Education of Roma Tre University. Pianist, graduated in music didactics, specialized in support activities and music therapy, graduated in Arts, Music and Drama (DAMS), PhD in Pedagogy, she investigated the concept of inclusive music applied to the Italian context of “full inclusion” from preschool to conservatory. In particular, she has elaborated a model of intervention in preschools based on the use of musical play, proposed ways of compensatory use of music in the presence of specific learning difficulties for all school orders and developed a specific curricular design method for secondary schools that can be implemented by support musician teachers. Her study activity takes into account the orientation of “Evidence Based Education” in the field of special education; she is engaged in research activities related to the area of school inclusion, teacher training and the identification of effective educational-didactic strategies in the Italian context. She is the author and editor of numerous scientific and educational publications on the use of musical experience as a facilitator for the learning and participation of pupils with special educational needs.


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dicembre 28, 2022

Details about the available publication format: PDF BOOK


ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
